Did you know that around 80% of women experience period pain at some point in their life? Cramping, nausea, and abdominal discomfort are common menstrual symptoms that can severely disrupt daily activities, including work, household responsibilities, and even simply getting out of bed. These are often followed by premenstrual symptoms like bloating, migraines, and lack of coordination, making getting through the day a difficult task. The good news?
Acupuncture is a natural solution that restores your body before you’re curled up on the couch, clutching your stomach. We’re wrapping up Women’s History Month by discussing finding relief from menstrual pain with acupuncture in chiropractic care.
Causes of Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea)
Dysmenorrhea is a Greek-derived word meaning difficult monthly flow. Painful period symptoms can be broken down into two types of this pain: primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.
Primary Dysmenorrhea is categorized as spasmodic and painful cramps that begin before or at the onset of a period cycle. This is often localized to the lower abdomen area and can manifest as dull or shooting pains. This pain is caused by the contraction of the uterus (which at the time of one’s period, is shedding its lining) and decreased blood supply to that area of the body. It affects most women up until menopause. Secondary Dysmenorrhea may not start until later in life, and in this case, a period cycle can become irregular, heavier, and more prolonged.
Common symptoms affecting women throughout their period cycle include:
Why Acupuncture for Menstrual Pain
Acupuncture is based on the concept of promoting the body’s natural healing processes by stimulating specific anatomic sites, including the abdomen. These areas are commonly referred to as acupuncture points. Rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, this therapeutic practice involves the insertion of fine needles into these points on the body to rebalance energy flow and stimulate healing.
One specific acupuncture point stimulated in treatment for menstrual relief is the Spleen 6. This is also the point used for patients suffering from kidney or spleen issues, and in conjunction with other points, can assist with irregularity in periods, anxiety and depression, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and more.
Evidence suggests that stimulating these acupuncture points might significantly lessen the severity of primary dysmenorrhea. There is strong potential of acupuncture not only as a means for pain relief, but also as a treatment for the symptoms accompanying menstrual pain, such as nausea and headaches.
It’s also been found that acupuncture (manual, electro, and warm acupuncture) was more effective in reducing menstrual pain compared to no treatment or even NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), including ibuprofen. Notably, manual acupuncture and warm acupuncture showed superior pain reduction versus NSAIDs.
Natural Solutions for Menstrual Pain Relief
Acupuncture offers you a holistic approach to pain management, addressing not only the physical aspects of menstrual discomfort, but also promoting overall well-being. Each session stimulates the body’s natural painkilling mechanisms, reducing inflammation, and improving blood circulation.
What does this mean for you? Especially for those seeking non-pharmacological pain management options, you can ditch the over-the-counter medication and instead, reach for a natural solution to your pain.
Taking a chiropractic approach to your care in this way can lead to significant improvements in menstrual pain intensity, frequency, and associated symptoms. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of acupuncture’s benefits for your pain, contact us today.