Nausea and vomiting are unpleasant experiences that affect our daily routines. The onset of symptoms may come as an aftermath of medication, motion sickness, migraines, pregnancy, stress, or even chemotherapy. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer anymore, as acupuncture offers a drug-free and non-invasive solution to relieve nausea and vomiting. This ancient therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing process by balancing energy, or “qi” flow. Let’s explore how acupuncture works, its benefits, and get tips on how to reduce your nausea symptoms.
Understanding Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that involves the insertion of tiny needles into specific points of the body. These needles stimulate your nervous system, releasing neurotransmitters and endorphins that alleviate pain and promote healing in the body. This treatment is safe and generally painless, with little to no side effects. You may feel a slight pinching sensation during needle insertion, which subsides after a few minutes.
How Acupuncture Helps Nausea and Vomiting
Acupuncture helps regulate the digestive system and reduce your stress levels by targeting the PC 6 (pericardium 6) point, or the Nei Guan. This location can be identified as roughly three finger breadths down the inner forearm, just between the two tendons that are right below the wrist. This acupoint is often stimulated using acupressure, or more commonly seen, with wristbands for motion sickness. Studies have even shown that acupuncture can reduce the severity and frequency of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
The Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture provides a range of benefits beyond nausea and vomiting relief, including:
Tips to Reduce Nausea and Vomiting:
If you struggle with feelings of nausea and vomiting symptoms, there are some steps you can take to try and reduce their severity:
Relief from Nausea and Vomiting: The Power of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a natural and effective solution for reducing the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Whether you are experiencing nausea and vomiting due to intense stress, pregnancy, or motion sickness, acupuncture can help. We’ll help you address the root cause of your issue, so you can regain your comfort and improve your performance. If you’re interested in trying acupuncture to heal symptoms of nausea and vomiting, book an appointment with us today.