There are many great benefits for patients when Applied Kinesiology is practiced by their chiropractor during evaluations. No matter what kind of pain you are experiencing, Applied Kinesiology can be used to better understand the imbalance in your body, ultimately aiding in the formation of a treatment plan intended to restore balance to your health and wellness. Some benefits of Applied Kinesiology are that:
What is Applied Kinesiology?
The basis of Applied Kinesiology is the belief that specific muscles are linked to certain organs in our bodies. Muscle weakness identified during testing can signify internal issues such as chemical imbalances, nerve damage, and even emotional stress. By running a series of tests on the muscle systems, your chiropractor can better understand the underlying cause of painful symptoms, (ie. sciatica, neck pain, headaches, etc.) leading to the ability to create a custom treatment plan just for you. After learning important information from using the body as a diagnostic tool, your chiropractor can begin to aid in restoring you back to optimal health.
Why Choose Applied Kinesiology?
You might be wondering why you should choose a chiropractor that uses Applied Kinesiology in their daily practice. The answer is simple. If you are looking for true relief, lasting results, and resolved stress, Applied Kinesiology is for you. Now, let’s get into more benefits for patients when Applied Kinesiology is used!
Even More Benefits of Applied Kinesiology:
The recent pandemic has exacerbated serious stress for everyone over the past few years, and it’s had a substantial impact on our physical and mental health. It has impacted work life, education, health care, the economy, and relationships. A buildup of emotional stress from things like the grief of losing a loved one, worry over financial problems, and uncertainty of the future can be extremely disruptive to daily life, often manifesting through our behaviors. According to the APA in 2020, when considering the physical and emotional toll of increased stress, nearly half of adults (49%) reported that their behavior was negatively affected by the pandemic. Most commonly, people reported increased tension in their bodies (21%), “snapping” or getting angry very quickly (20%), unexpected mood swings (20%), or screaming or yelling at a loved one (17%) due to stress. Emotional stress is so damaging that it could be a source of imbalance in the nervous system, disrupting hormone levels and muscle tightness, among other harmful circumstances.Thankfully, you can find relief from compounded emotional stress through a treatment plan that is created based off of results obtained through using Applied Kinesiology.
Repeated physical stress can manifest as chronic, painful physical symptoms. This applies for many working high-activity jobs, which require a lot of manual labor. We might take over-the-counter medications every so often to relieve us of muscle or joint pain, but what if you find yourself in chronic pain? Chronic pain is long lasting, usually over 12 weeks or more. It extends past normal recovery periods and is hard to manage without medication. This type of pain may be caused by inflammation or dysfunctional nerves. If there are issues within the nervous system, Applied Kinesiology can help locate those issues at the source so that your chiropractor can start working on healing that physical pain.
It’s important for your physician to understand that not one size fits all when it comes to formulating treatment plans. We surely aren’t able to quickly prescribe deep massage to a new patient when the issue is a headache and we aren’t sure of the cause. Applied Kinesiology is used to evaluate any presenting physical symptoms through muscle testing according to each patient. Someone may be experiencing a headache caused from emotional stress while another may have numbness in the arms from spinal compression. The beauty of Applied Kinesiology is that it tells our doctors about a wide-range of potential imbalances within the body, and as such they are able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for each patient.
Would you put a band-aid over a wound that needed stitches? Most likely not, but some doctors may unintentionally take part in this methodology when it comes to treating patients. Applied Kinesiology is unlike the general care you may usually receive in that it works to provide relief at the source of the problem. It’s a modern marvel that we have pain medication to prevent us from feeling back pain, but what’s even better is abiding to a treatment plan designed to take the back pain out of the equation altogether. With Applied Kinesiology you will find lasting relief for a long time and enjoy a higher quality of life in the long run.
Many factors play into how you feel throughout the day, including overall health, activity levels, and nutrition. Our doctors at Sentinel Health and Wellness bring all of these important aspects of health and wellness together, along with Applied Kinesiology, in order to design an overall treatment plan, or lifestyle, that is practical for you. We take into account daily habits, dietary choices, and usual activity levels of our patients along with test results to treat and relieve the underlying sources of pain.
Of course, our doctors are here to support and encourage you every step of the way! If you want to improve your well-being and heal from chronic pain or illness once and for all, give us a call today to schedule a consultation appointment. We will meet with you to discuss how you are feeling now, how you want to feel instead, and what you can do today to begin taking action towards feeling and being better.